Friday, October 15, 2010


I am too tired to write my normal detailed blog but here are some highlights and low lights.

1. Joe did not sleep last night cause his spleen/stomach bloated up making him look 8.5 months pregnant. Uncomfortable but no pain Joe stated.

2, Joe had a PET SCAN. The scan showed his enlarged spleen and liver. The spleen looks like a 8 pound baby. (Maybe, Joe is pregnant?) HA!

3. I attended two classes on how to change the plugs on the PICC and flush the line which is done each day. Changing the dressing is super detailed and complicated so as long as we are here, we will let them do it in the hospital. In spite of my anxiety about it, they will come up and certify me at 8:30 AM in the morning with a live change on Joe. I feel like it is a Regents Exam. Room phone number is 713.834.8945.

4. Whitney Wilkerson called me and offered her assistance. Whitney interned in our church while she was attending Columbia Seminary. She lives and ministers in Victoria about 2 hours from here but she gets to Houston every so often so I know that we will see her soon!

5. The phone calls from family and friends really uplifted Joe's spirits. The jokes were great!

6. My deacon, Patty Swift, called me and offered assistance and food. I definitely do not need food. She said the church was looking for someone to drive with me to Houston.

7. BLESSINGS! Rick, Joe's brother in law, has volunteered to drive with me to Houston from Atlanta. FAMILY is the BEST! Joe's brother, Drew, arrives with his wife, Josephine early Friday morning with my "ADOPTED" Chinese graduate student, Yan, picking them up at the airport!!! Yan also stopped by for a short visit tonight. Joe and I love her. She is one very special person who is permanently etched into our hearts. Our wonderful next door neighbors offered to assist me with the drive back to Houston just 30 minutes after Rick volunteered. I love the Bennets!

8. PET SCAN showed cancer in the lymph nodes on the left side of Joe's neck and into his upper chest, as well as a spot on the enlarged liver. CHEMO is suppose to attack those. ATTACK THEM, DESTROY those SUCKERS!

9.  Joe is now receiving some oxygen since his levels went down to 85% because he can not breathe deep because of the massive spleen. Since the oxygen started late this afternoon, the levels went to 96%. GOOD! They also gave Joe more potassium and magnesium since those levels were low.

10. New room has a MURPHY BED so I get to sleep in style. Now tell me why I also have a 4 star hotel room that I am not using????? Joe needs and wants me near him!

11. The second bag of CYCOLPS for the day starts at 11;30PM.

12, Joe was given Lasix to get fluid out of his body. More coming in than going out. He peed so much that he moved a chair and the Chemo Tree next to the bathroom door.

13. He did not eat tonight cause he got filled from a frappacino treat earlier. NO more treats like that till he eats his meals. Yes, Mommy! LOL.

14. Good night. I have caught a cold in spite of all the hand washing, and antiseptic wipes. Now, I have to wear a mask which suffocates me and steams up my glasses.

That is it folks!



  1. Bonnie, if you ever need to talk to someone, I have big shoulders. I know you have many other friends around, but the offer holds, any time, any day.

  2. Bonnie and Joe,

    I had to figure out how to do this and I hope this is correct.

    I pray with my mom everyday and we are adding you and Joe to our daily session.

    We all need so much prayer but I believe between pray and nutrient we can beat even cancer.

    You have lots of love out here.


    Barbara Reed
