Saturday, November 6, 2010

Saturday 11/6 Coping with Disappointment

Joe and I slept in different rooms last night with Joe in the hospital and I was with another male at the studio apartment with Mr. Max, our golden beloved dog. It was to get me a break and a good night's sleep since the previous one there was only 2.5 hours or less. With the chemo finished, it seemed like a good time to do it.

On the way home I stopped to have a glass of wine and some dinner at P F Chang's on Westheimer which was packed to the gills. I had dinner at the bar where I felt like a lonely single again but I needed a decent tasty meal and I got it. Max was laying in his kennel bed and was happy to see me. Hallelujah! He took a quick pee and finally a poo before aggressively pulling me to the door to be let back in. He knows exactly what doors and floors to go to. I went to bed about 11:30 PM and woke up about 8AM. After a hot shower and taking Max out I headed to Panera Bread around the corner to get my sesame bagel and Joe a Cobblestone. The sky is bright blue with a crisp cool air. The birds are very plentiful here and make massive groups. They also chirp like crazy in the mornings and after the sun just goes down. Saturday the Freeways are without traffic jams so getting to the hospital was a breeze. I stopped at the 24/7 Hospital Cafe and got Joe a cup of Starbuck's coffee to bring to his room.

Joe had all his belongings all stacked up and the Murphy bed pulled up with the belief he was going to be released today. I braced him that may not happen but he still held onto that belief. His last blood work from 5AM had his red counts low and with no doubt that he would get a transfusion. Dr. Hagermeister, his on call Lymphoma Doctor, told Joe that he was pleased with Joe's progress and that his spleen had decreased in size some more. The tumorlysis was still happening which was not a had thing but they still need to keep a close eye on it to assure that it would not shut his kidneys down. He told Joe that he would be staying in the hospital until at least Monday. From that point on Joe started to sleep again and could not stay awake. It was even difficult for him to get his eyes open for the eye drops that he gets four times a day. When he gets the red blood cells, he will be more alert and have energy.

Our pastor, Caleb Clark, from Eastminster Presbyterian, called me at 12:26 pm and that he has arrived at Hobby Airport in Houston. I advised him that we were still in the hospital and gave him instructions as to where were located at the massive Texas Medical Center Complex. Caleb arrived here about 1:20 Pm and spent two fantastic hours with us. He bought with him the hearts and spirit of our church. We felt the church with us. Joe perked up when Caleb arrived and talked about his medical journey in detail. Caleb and I got lunch from the downstairs cafeteria and ate in the quiet area of the hospital called The Park. There are tables with umbrellas and the sun shines through the roof glass. It makes it feel like one is outside and not in the hospital. Over lunch I described how God has directed us and ways that I feel could not just be coincidental. How so many little pieces of our lives have now come together and made us stronger in union of Joe winning against the Lymphoma. When we arrived back on the 9th floor hospital room, Joe had eaten a small part of his grilled shrimp with fries lunch. Joe lit back up when he saw Caleb. Joe said it felt like "home" to him and that he could feel the spirit of our church membership through Caleb. The most meaningful part of Caleb's visit was the celebration of the Lord's Supper together. Caleb read the perfect scripture where we are all one body and when one part of the body suffers, the whole body suffers just as Eastminster is the body and is hurting cause Joe is hurting. As Caleb was about to administer communion, in walks the nurses with the Blood to give Life to Joe. Now, how meaningful is that! Caleb was moved spiritually with that message from God as Joe and I were. Caleb gave us big hugs as he left to fly back to Atlanta. We told him to give the same hugs from us to our church community. We are making it through this treacherous journey through the power of their prayers and concern. Joe told Caleb again that he feels the love and prayers from everyone. He can not wait until he is able to join everyone with the celebration of a church service and a communion together. May God bless everyone. Thank you Eastminster Presbyterian for sending Caleb for the most meaningful touching communion and scripture message of our lives.

Now for a little college football for Joe and a nap for Miss Bonnie.

Here are Joe's most recent blood counts.

                                                       11/1       11/5      11/6
White Blood Cell Count  (4-11)       56.1       7.4       7.7
Red Blood Count (4.5-6.0)              3.02       3.09     2.53
Hemoglobin   (14-18)                       8.9         9.0       7.5
Hematocrit    (40-54)                       29.4       28.9      23
Platelet Count (140-440)                  76          26         21
Neutophil %   (42-66)                      N/A        83         na
Lymphocyte % (24-44)                     N/A       16         na
Basophil % (0-1)                               n/a           1         na
Neutrophil %                                     n/a          na         na
Lymphocyte Absolute Count(1-4.8)   n/a         1.18      na
Basophil Absolute Count (0-.1)          n/a           .07      na
Creatinine Serum (.7-1.3)               1.02          1.17      1.15
Sodium Serum (135-147)               136           136       135 
Potassium Serum (3.5-5.0)             4.4            4.5        5.1
Chloride Serum  (98-108)              103           102       104       
Carbon Dioxide (23-30)                 32H           28         25
Blood Urea Nitrogen (8-20)           23H           44         44
Lactate Dehydrogenase (313-618)  935H        749        na
Uric Acid Serum (2.6-7.1)              6.6           6.7         4.6
Phosphorous Serum (2.5-4.5)         3.8           7.4         5.7
Calcium Serum (8.4-10.2)               8.4           7.6         na
Magnesium Serum (1.8-2.9)            2.2           2.6         na
Ionized Calcium (unknown)             n/a            1.01       na     

Peace of Christ be with you and Bless you forever and ever,

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful day, I sense some optimism and I am happy that your pastor made the trip today. Hang in there, Joe still has a few more rounds of this to go, but I think everything is looking great. That was very nice of your pastor to make the trip and visit.
    My wife, Susan, and I have been out getting up leaves for 2-1/2 hours. Something I thought I'd never have the energy to do again last year about this time. We got up 10 large leaf bags mostly from one tree in the front. (There are about 15 more trees in the side yard!) I used the leaf blower to blow lots of them in the back into the edge of the woods behind our house. You have both been on my mind today. Prayers for continued success :)
